
Seemal Govan - Personal Trainer


Personal Training - Level 4

Exercise Consultant - Level 3

Bachelor of Arts - Psychology

Post Graduate Diploma - Applied Behavioural Analysis

Ever since I have started training with Seemal, I have lost a whopping total of 20kgs!

She has the purest of all hearts and is genuinely invested in your journey. She is the most accommodating and comforting personal trainer you’ll ever have - very understanding of your job, day and life.

She will also push you to your limits without making it a horrible experience - it’s an awesome feeling to finish one of her sessions. My journey has been easy thanks to her support and guidance.  


Seemal has been an absolute God-send for not only my physical health, but my mental health too.

She celebrates the wins, and coaches me through the moments when my sneaky pasta dinners with friends starts to throw off my progress. She has guided me through all my set backs, injuries and aches and pains to reaching my goal of deadlifting 100kgs!

I've never felt an ounce of judgement even when I’m at my sweaty Betty worst, grunting and whinging my way through burpees. Seemal is a badass strong mama who creates badass strong women.


Seemal is a very experienced and caring Personal Trainer. She always plans work-outs based on what you wish to achieve and supports you like a friend.

She truly listens and tries to understand your needs, and pushes you to achieve something you wouldn’t think would be possible.

Would recommend if you are looking for someone who is professional, caring and motivational to train with.


I felt like I didn’t enjoy exercise like I used to. I’d had a baby, was back at work, I had limited time and training options and an old knee injury that was playing up again.
To be honest I was nervous, I knew I was probably the least fit I had ever been, but from day one Seemal has always been positive and supportive.

No judgement- just fun and hard work. Exercises I struggled with because of my bad knee, she modified. Every time I asked the benefits of an exercise, she patiently explained.

With Seemal,  I’m working with someone who is focussed on me, she knows my injuries, she tweaks my technique there and then, she will tailor my workout to what I need, to challenge and make me push myself that little bit harder.

Flexibility is something I needed as a working mum, timing my training around long work schedules with a toddler who has trouble sleeping was never a problem, Seemal made it easy.

I have never felt better around training, and needless to say I’m stronger, happier and a better version of myself all round.


Book a free consultation

Meet me for a free consultation at my Private Studio, or a location of your choice for a fitness test and measurements, so I can tailor a plan for you to achieve your goals

Book Now